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Landsknecht Soldier 1486–1560 (Warrior), by John Richards
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From the Publisher
Insights into the real lives of history's fighting men, packed with full colour illustrations, highly detailed cutaways, exploded artwork of weaponry and armour, and action-packed battle scenes.
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About the Author
John Richards has had a long-standing interest in the history of Central European warfare. He has researched the Landsknecht soldier for a number of years. He lives and works in Basel, Switzerland.
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Product details
Series: Warrior (Book 49)
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (May 25, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1841762431
ISBN-13: 978-1841762432
Product Dimensions:
7.2 x 0.1 x 9.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
9 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#587,926 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Well written, great detail of the history, development and demise of another special fighting group, armed with special weapons and dressed in clothing that reverberated from fashion of the wealthy to condemnation by the Pope. They brought a Scot 1200's long two handed sword through history as a fighting weapon, a bearing sword for parades and, in mid 1400 to mid 1500, the most recognized and respected sword who's name became the same as the warrior who used it. Great illustrations and explanations go with the history of these fighters, their recruitment physical requirements, fighting style, their outlandish dress and assorted weapons associated with them, and currently priced accordingly. Good for the collector too.
Nice book as an overall of the history of the Landsknecht soldier. If you want more specific though you might want to look elsewhere. The picture were very helpful and the time line was nice.
Lovely book, enjoyed it thoroughly as a general overview of the Landsknecht.
Very helpful with my research
Essential for correct history .
great book, informative, wish it was longer.
John Richards and Gerry Embleton make a nice team in this new title for the Osprey Warrior series LANDSKNECHT SOLDIER 1486-1560, if you ever wonder the origin of this Servant of the Country this is one of the best intro to the subject, the famous Landsknecht were one of the best infantry soldiers of the Renaissance,Mercenary Pikemen was one of the deadliest weapon on the field without forgetting their famous and colorful clothes.I think that the content of the book is pretty well done as all Osprey books in 64 pages they try to give the most important info from the Origins of the Landsknecht, organization, army life, religion, costume( one of the most important part) and the decline. In a nice weekend you can seat a relax a travel back in time to the days of the "BAD WAR". Nicely Illustrated by Gerry Embleton which famous illustration and knowledge on the subject make the book complete, he have some works on the subject his book Medieval Military Costume is also illustrated by him and with many colour photographs of real models.A Nice read if you looking for the everyday life of these formidable soldiers of the late 15th century you will find it fascinating. For more Renaissance warfare the book from Thomas Arnold "The Renaissance at War" explore in more detail the wars of this period with alot of maps and Illustration, Osprey have alot of titles on the subject Armies of the German Peasants War 1524-26 by Douglas Miller and Angus McBride and Pavia 1525 are some of the titles you would enjoy if you like to read about the German mercenaries. Lets hope for more titles like this specially on the Swiss, Spanish Tercios and Italian mercenaries.
Richards provides an excellent account of the Landsknecht mercenaries of the renaissance in this work. I particularly enjoyed his section on the structure of a Landsknecht regiment and the officers that led it- the roles of the nachrichter and hurenweibel were quite amusing. Richards certainly proves in this work that the Landsknechts were the first to make use of a modern regimental structure. He also goes into vivid detail describing the Landsknecht costume. I have only one major complaint- Richards spends almost no time in detailing the weapons of the Landsknecht or their battle tactics. He does briefly mention (in the caption of an illustration), the significance of the katzbalger, a Landsknecht's favourite sword, and in his colour plates displays the tactics of a regiment during a battle, but he doesn't write much on either subject. Nonetheless the book was very enjoyable, and worth buying if you're keen on the subject.
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