Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

PDF Download The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

PDF Download The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

PDF Download The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman

Book Details:Format: PaperbackPublication Date: 8/12/2009

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Product details

Series: The Walking Dead (Book 10)

Paperback: 136 pages

Publisher: Image Comics; 10 edition (August 12, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1607060752

ISBN-13: 978-1607060758

Product Dimensions:

6.5 x 0.3 x 10.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

133 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#75,252 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I've purchased all volumes up to 22 and the TV show has just about caught up to wear I am in the novels. These books are friggen awesome. I don't read much and my buddy lent me VOL 1 after he knew I liked the show. Well, I burned through the first one and then just went on a tear buying 4 volumes at a time...the price is pretty good for what you get out of these. $9-$15 is the range I've paid per novel, I'm not sure why they aren't the same but anyways, I keep buying them none the less. The story was written before the TV Show and the show follows the story but there is some differences. The written story is more violent and graphic then the tv show but the tv show does a decent job of sticking with main ideas. I've noticed that certain plot things that happen in the book also happen in the show but there is a unique twist like a different character it happens to or something like that. Which makes reading these volumes great cuz I have some idea of where the story is going (after having watched all tv episodes) but there are still surprises. If you like the TV show and haven't read these, give it a try and you will get a whole new experience of the Walking Dead story. I'm putting this same review under every volume I've purchased (1-22) so people can see it. go buy these!

Each volume of The Walking Dead tends to run in one of two separate veins. The ultra violent and the thoughtful. Volume 8 served as both a ending and a beginning of sorts, providing us with a violent shakeup that changed things forever for Rick and the rest of the survivors. Volumes 9 and this Volume, while providing us with some moderate zombie violence, mostly gives us the chance to dig deeper into the characters and what makes them tick. Rick and a character introduced in the previous volume, Abraham, both are coping with all the brutal and ugly things they have been forced to do just to survive. Things that in the eyes of family and friends may be unforgivable or at least something they cannot accept. We get to witness Rick in action when three men decide to assault him and his boy and what vicious things he is willing to do to protect what is left of his family. Though there is tension between him and Abraham, they share their stories and come to understand one another much better-they will do whatever it takes to survive. The world is an ugly place and all the innocence and beauty in people has pretty much died, leaving the ugly behind...an ugly that is brutally necessary.Into this mix steps Morgan, Rick's old friend that was hiding out in their hometown. Its interesting to see how Morgan, who cannot bring himself to kill someone who has turned into a zombie that he cares about, is feared because perhaps he has gone insane with grief while Rick himself is starting to be feared because he has refused to be consumed by his grief but instead has lashed out at anything in the world that would threaten him.

This volume takes place as the group is on the road making its way to Washington, D.C. with a scientist, Eugene Porter, who can apparently end the outbreak. Rick is immediately at odds with Abraham over their methods on how to lead. With Carl in tow, the three travel to Rick's hometown for any supplies left at Rick's police station and come across an old friend in the process. Along the way, Rick finally sees just how far he is willing to go to protect the family he has left.

This volume has a little more subtlety in comparison with the previous volumes. I say that because they're are a few good breathtakers, but not as much as its predecessors. The most important part of this book is a one-on-one conversation between Rick and Abraham. It was really valuable and its something to carry the series further. The only reason why i give it 4/5 is that I didn't receive the almighty cliffhanger that Kirkman usually gives me. I ended up with a lot of questions by the end, and although I am anxious for more, I still wish these things didn't cost so much! (It adds up)I can't say its bad or a letdown primarily because I couldn't stop reading it. The Walking Dead still has it. I have no problem with it sucking me in and manipulating my sleep patterns. While its not the best of the series, its certainly not the worst and not giving sign of worse to come. Its basically another calm that tells us the worst is yet to come.

The Walking Dead is hands down the BEST comic book out! If anybody is not reading this series, they ought to be. Nothing beats it! Not "Shades of Gray", nothing from Oprah's book club.....NOTHING! Robert Kirkman has made this series so good, they had to make it a TV series! If this show came on HBO or Cinemax, it would probably be WAY better but as it is, AMC is a good station to have it on too! As many comics as I have read, nothing comes close to The Walking Dead. I like reading the trade books because I don't have to try to collect each comic book per week/month. I get to read a bunch of stories in one book. I will continue to get more and more trade books of this series because I will never be disappionted!

If you're a nut for zombies like I am, you will greatly appreciate this awesome and absorbing story from Robert Kirkman. Several of the slightly more generic zombie motifs are given new life (undead life, if you will) here in comic form, making a story that could have been the same-old thing interesting. This particular volume is a real money-saver, giving you the whole series through issue 48 (or through volume 8) for a fraction of the cost of individual issues or volumes. Little on the heavier side for toting around, but jam-packed awesomeness for perusal at home. If you like zombies, do yourself a favor and buy this! Hours of zombie-action will follow.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman PDF

The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman PDF

The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman PDF
The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become, by Robert Kirkman PDF

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

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Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 24 hours and 14 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Macmillan Audio

Audible.com Release Date: October 21, 2009

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Movies based on books rarely live up to the magic of the book. That’s not a condemnation of movies or the movie industry, but rather a reflection of greatest source of magic of all—man’s imagination. No reality ever lives up to my best fantasies.Normally, I read a book first and then—if a subsequent film production gets rave reviews—I’ll see the movie. Occasionally, the movie will live magnificently up to all my wildest expectations; To Kill a Mockingbird is a good example of movie-from-book perfection. And occasionally, rarely, a movie will surpass the book. I thought The Graduate a mediocre book, but the movie was and always will be a classic portrait of a particular time and place.Which brings us to Wolf Hall. I’m not sure how and why I missed the book. It won a Man-Booker Prize (Great Britain’s equivalent of the Pulitzer, though over there they might say the Pulitzer is America’s equivalent of the Booker) and then author Hilary Mantel turned right around and won another Man-Booker for the sequel to Wolf Hall, Bring Up the Bodies. That is, I believe, the only time Booker prizes have ever been awarded to a novel and then its sequel.Not only had I missed the book(s), but at first, when I saw the trailers on PBS for the film version, I wasn’t all that intrigued. Downton Abbey had just finished its last episode of the season and it was hard to imagine anything equaling that. So, a mini-series based on Henry VIII and his wretched excesses, told from the point of view of Thomas Cromwell, one of the king’s, ah, shall we say, less fastidious enablers… Ho, hum. I’ve read my history; I’ve seen A Man for All Seasons; been there, done that. But a Close Relative By Marriage insisted we watch, and after the first ten minutes you could have set fire to my chair and I wouldn’t have left. That’s how good the production was, and Mark Rylance, the British actor who stars as Thomas Cromwell, gave one of the most compelling performances I have ever seen: quiet, understated, absolutely convincing, and absolutely electrifying. So consider this also a rave review for the PBS series.(By the way, for those of you interested in historical tidbits: any great English house with “abbey” as part of its name, as in Downton Abbey, is so named because when Henry VIII, aided by Thomas Cromwell, took the great monasteries from the Pope, he awarded some of those lands to favored courtiers who retained the appellation “abbey.”)After the second episode I galloped to my desk and ordered copies of both Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies for myself and just everybody I know, and as soon as they arrived, I dove in. Now I know why Hilary Mantel won the Man-Booker twice. She deserves it.In case you’re even more of a troglodyte than I and you’ve never heard of Hilary Mantel or Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, yes, it’s Henry VIII and all his unfortunate wives and all those men and women who circled around the king and his court like flies around a corpse, but… But how much do you actually know about Thomas Cromwell? Ah. That’s the point. That’s part of Hilary Mantel’s genius: she has taken a famous and influential man about whom little is known and gone to town with him.Thomas Cromwell is one of those mysterious figures in history who beggar the imagination. Acknowledged as arguably the single most influential minister (that’s minister in the political sense, not ecclesiastical) in all of English history, he seems to have sprung fully evolved out of his own imagining and will power. Even the authoritative Encyclopedia Britannica describes his origins and early life as “obscure.” Probably (no one knows for certain) born around 1485; probably (no one knows for certain) born in Putney, at that time a decidedly seedy suburb of London; probably (no one know for certain) born to a man who may have been named Cromwell, but who may have been named Smyth who was probably (no one knows for certain) a blacksmith, but who might have been a brewer or a cloth merchant or all of the above; Thomas Cromwell probably (no one knows for certain) and improbably somehow ended up in Italy early in his life; he probably (no one knows for certain) lived in the Low Countries (think Flanders, Holland, Belgium); and he was probably (no one knows for certain) somehow associated with the London Merchant Adventurers. His early history contains the qualifying words “seems,” “appears,” “might have,” and “probably” almost more than any others.And yet, somehow, out of these inauspicious beginnings, Thomas Cromwell suddenly burst into history in 1520 as a solicitor (that’s “lawyer” to we simple-minded Americans) to the great and immensely powerful Cardinal Wolsey. How did a man from such meager beginnings in such a rigidly stratified society manage to catapult himself into the halls of power and the pages of history?I stumbled across an interview on the internet with Hilary Mantel, and that question is pretty much what compelled her to start her journey. So that’s half the genius.The other half is Mantel’s writing.To quote Rudyard Kipling:“There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays,And every single one of them is right.”Doubtless very true, and who am I to question as great a writer as Rudyard Kipling? But some methods of construction are righter than others, and Hilary Mantel’s writing is breathtaking.Of all the varied ways of constructing tribal lays, the one that appeals most to me is the kind where a master artist plays with his or her materials. Think Shakespeare. Think Faulkner. Think Cormac McCarthy. Think Hilary Mantel. The English language, so rich and varied, so ripe with multiple subtle meanings, lends itself to a kind of imaginative playfulness, verbal pyrotechnics, if you like, that amaze and delight. She writes in the present tense, third person singular, which lends an urgency to her tale, but she jumps back and forth in time, sometimes in a sentence, sometimes in a paragraph, sometimes in a section, using the mnemonic device of Cromwell’s memories to give us information about him and his past. But it is the oblique grace with which she tells her story that is so delightful. I will give you one example.Bring Up the Bodies, the second volume of what will eventually become Mantel’s trilogy, opens with Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII out hawking. In Wolf Hall, Cromwell’s daughters have died, but he cannot allow himself the luxury of grief. He lives to serve the king, and as a minister to the king he cannot indulge in such distracting luxuries as grief or rage or love or hate. Whatever he might feel or want must be subsumed in service to the throne. So in “Falcons,” the opening chapter of Bring Up the Bodies, Cromwell and Henry are sitting their horses and watching their falcons, and a lesser, more pedestrian, writer might have opened the book with a paragraph such as:“Cromwell watches his falcons plunging after their prey. He has named the birds after his daughters, and as he and the king watch from horseback, this one, Grace, takes her prey in silence, returning to his fist with only a slight rustling of feathers and a blood-streaked breast…”And so on.Now, consider this, Señorita; consider how Hilary Mantel handles the opening.“His children are falling from the sky. He watches from horseback, acres of England stretching behind him; they drop, gilt-winged, each with a blood-filled gaze. Grace Cromwell hovers in thin air. She is silent when she takes her prey, silent as she glides to his fist. But the sounds she makes then, the rustle of feathers and the creak, the sigh and riffle of pinion, the small cluck-cluck from her throat, these are sounds of recognition, intimate, daughterly, almost disapproving. Her breast is gore-streaked and flesh clings to her claws.”If you don’t like that, you don’t like chocolate cake.

You probably already know the story, about Henry VIII wanting to divorce his first wife and marry Anne Boleyn. Much has been written about how great this book is, and I won't contradict that. The charm of the book, as I see it, is that it is written in (what I suppose is) the sixteenth century way of talking, and it puts you right into the story, because it is as seen through the eyes of the protagonist Thomas Cromwell. This is a selection of a friends' book club, so I am going to finish it and enjoy the discussion. My complaint is that in the interest of maintaining the historical flavor, the writing is almost impenetrable. I have to read sentences and paragraphs twice to figure out who is talking. It is often unclear who "he", "him", and "his" refer to, but in those cases you can usually assume Thomas Cromwell is meant. Lots of period vocabulary, like "chough" "martinmas" etc. (Footnotes would have been welcome, but maybe you are supposed to know or not care.) It helps that there is a list of characters and family tree. On the plus side, the details about life in the sixteenth century provide a lot of flavor. It might help to prepare yourself by reviewing the history of that period before you start the book. My only complaint is the effort required to decipher the text. I wrote the preceding after 100 pages onto the book. I am now adding to my review after another 300 pages read. The story is very interesting, but the writing is almost incomprehensible. This may be only a matter of my personal preference, but I think that a prize winning author should be able to tell a story clearly. I understand that "literary" writing often makes a virtue of obscurity; books like that I don't like. I cannot tell whether Hilary Mantel is evasive, deceptive, dishonest, or simply unable to write simple English. Earlier I said that the list of characters was helpful. Actually it would have been a lot better of the characters were listed alphabetically, so that every time you come across a new name you don;t have to read through the entire list. The family trees, also -- they were OK , but the Boleyn family tree would have been more useful. Within each paragraph, a person is referred to variously by his first name, last name, or title, so you cannot be sure who is saying what, until you have read it a few times. If you want to read this book you should first read the history -- for example, Henry VIII in wikipedia -- and then you will be able to follow the story more easily.Who are the judges who decide the Man Booker prize? I don't respect their judgment. I suspect that they had the same problems that I did but were embarrassed to admit it.

This is a brilliant, stylistic historical novel. Thomas Cromwell is one of the most interesting men in history, and Mantel makes the most of this. Cromwell's wit, his intensity, his striving, his motivations are all compellingly conveyed. It is very hard to put this book down. My favorite device of Mantel's is the use of "He" almost always refers to Cromwell. It makes the flow better and makes us feel like we are in on it. This is a must read for anyone who loves great story-telling and English history. I put off reading it for a while because it was so popular, but it is really good and well worth it.

I found this book on a list of "If you enjoy House of Cards, then try..." This book can appeal to literature snobs, political junkies, and people who enjoy the parts of Game of a Thrones that don't involve magical dragons. Don't give up if you're put off by the second person present tense that creeps up from time to time---this book puts readers in the room at the most shocking turning points in history.

Wolf Hall focuses on the early career of Thomas Cromwell who was to become of one Henry VIII's top officials. Mantel takes great care in creating a plausible and likable character. This is important because as you go on to the second book Bring up the Bodies, Thomas Cromwell is also revealed as efficient hatchet man for Henry VIII.The book is rich in historical details about how people lived, their houses, their social relationships etc. I found this very interesting. As Cromwell prospered, his household expanded but not necessarily with servants but with young men he was training or people he was taking care of.

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Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

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Product details

File Size: 2804 KB

Print Length: 12 pages

Publisher: Kar-Ben Publishing TM (August 1, 2016)

Publication Date: August 1, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#146,418 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

It's a delightful book for young children. Our grandkids (ages 3) loved it and wanted us to read it again and again and again and again! We must have read it at least 20 times on one day!

Kar-Ben Publishing is introducing Hanukkah to the youngest readers in a new board book. Short bubbly sentences speak to inviting neighbors, ancient blessings, latkes and chocolate gelt. Perfect for small hands and sturdy pages make this a great durable read. Colorful pictures of animals sharing in the holiday celebration are charming and depict the Jewish cultural and holiday.

This is a perfect book for all young readers. It tells what happens during the Hanukkah season and how much fun everyone has. The pictures are bright and colorful which will keep the attention of even the youngest of readers. The words rhyme making it an easy book for those readers who are just learning how to read.This is definitely a book I would recommend to parents for their children.

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