Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Download New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak, Book 1

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New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak, Book 1

New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak, Book 1

New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak, Book 1

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New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak, Book 1

A 128-page hardcover book illustrating the best color work of the official NYC photographer of the 1940’s and 50’s. Hudsons, PA’s, Mohawks, passenger equipment, workers reproduced from Ed’s 4" x 5" color transparencies and captioned by the man who took them forty years ago

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Product details

Hardcover: 128 pages

Publisher: Morning Sun Books; First edition. edition (May 1, 1992)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1878887092

ISBN-13: 978-1878887092

Product Dimensions:

11.5 x 0.5 x 8.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,176,462 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Excellent book. These amazing photos are virtually all posed, but as such provide detail that would be impossible to duplicate.


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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Download Care of Mind/Care of Spirit: A Psychiatrist Explores Spiritual Direction

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Care of Mind/Care of Spirit: A Psychiatrist Explores Spiritual Direction

Care of Mind/Care of Spirit: A Psychiatrist Explores Spiritual Direction

Care of Mind/Care of Spirit: A Psychiatrist Explores Spiritual Direction

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Care of Mind/Care of Spirit: A Psychiatrist Explores Spiritual Direction

From the Publisher

This pioneering work on the relationship between psychiatry and spiritual direction--from an acclaimed author, psychiatrist and spiritual director--shows how spiritual direction and psychiatry are alike, how they can complement one another, and how they ultimately diverge.

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About the Author

Gerald G. May, M.D. (1940-2005), practiced medicine and psychiatry for twenty-five years before becoming a senior fellow in contemplative theology and psychology at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Bethesda, Maryland. He was the author of many books and articles blending spirituality and psychology, including Addiction and Grace, Care of Mind/Care of Spirit, Will and Spirit, and The Dark Night of the Soul.

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Product details

Paperback: 256 pages

Publisher: HarperOne; Reprint edition (May 8, 1992)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0060655674

ISBN-13: 978-0060655679

Product Dimensions:

5.3 x 0.6 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

22 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#234,083 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I used this book in a training program for spiritual direction taught by the Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality. The training focused heavily on spirituality. We read this book to deepen our understanding of psychological and psychiatric issues a spiritual director might face when offering direction. It was extremely helpful because in spiritual direction we do encounter people who come for spiritual direction who are facing psychological issues. Since most of us are not trained in psychology/psychiatry, this book helped to make us aware of issues when it would be best to consult with a professional in mental health. These issues might include depression, substance abuse, anger, and psychiatric disorders.Several of the people in the spiritual direction training program were mental health professionals and they also helped us to see the importance of consultation with someone trained in mental health for situations we might face.

May is gifted in articulating distinctions and discernments in a clear and understandable way. As a reader of much and varied spiritual literature, I find May to be extraordinary in his capacity to elucidate the mysterious with practical language and examples. May has keen insight into the human technical systems that have evolved over time to help us heal and grow. His artful descriptions clarify issues and questions that I have always recognized at a deep level, but could never articulate. You can't go wrong with this book.

Poor quality control on the printing of this book with several pages randomly not being printed.

Required for a course in the Art of Spiritual Direction, and I'm glad. I'll be reading and rereading it for years to come.

I am beginning my second reading of this book. Chapter one is about the History and integration of psychology and religion. Until Freud, churches blamed possession and/or sin on people's outrageous behavior, when many of these cases were actually psychiatric problems. People like me and millions others suffered needlessly because Protestant and Roman Catholic Church leaders were looking in the wrong place for causes of some people's problems. We have much to thank Freud and Carl Jung for their willingness to help people. Psychology is less than 125 years. The Church has been around for over 2000 years. In short, we need both."Although secular psychology addressed a great deal about how we come to be the way we are and how we might live more efficiently, it can offer nothing in terms of why we exist or how we should use our lives," writes Gerald May in this classic discussion of the nature of contemporary spiritual guidance and its relationship to counseling and psychiatry. For millions turning for answers to the world of the spirit, May shows how psychiatry and spiritual direction are alike, how they complement one another, and how they ultimately diverge." ( review)I am a cradle Catholic and spent over a decade in Protestants churches and often sensed that Church wasn’t doing enough. It is my hope that all Christian Church leaders read this book. However, if, like me believe in Christ and feel that something else is missing, check out this book. My experience is that most Christian Churches only want to show the "light" side of living. Joel Osteen is one of the preachers that offer this style of religion. He and other preachers talk like their members don't get angry, don't suffer from depression or other mental health disorders.A major plus of this book is that author Gerald May, offers additional books to read concerning the care of our minds and care of our spirit.

I love this guy. Though he is no longer with us.

Great book, great price fast delivery

Well written and insightful

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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Download Ebook The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

Download Ebook The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

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The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

Download Ebook The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

The Encyclopedia Of Hollywood Film Actors: From The Silent Era To 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), By Barry Monush Exactly how can you alter your mind to be much more open? There lots of resources that could aid you to boost your ideas. It can be from the various other experiences as well as tale from some people. Schedule The Encyclopedia Of Hollywood Film Actors: From The Silent Era To 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), By Barry Monush is one of the trusted resources to get. You could discover numerous books that we discuss below in this website. And currently, we reveal you one of the very best, the The Encyclopedia Of Hollywood Film Actors: From The Silent Era To 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), By Barry Monush

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The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush

From Publishers Weekly

This volume, appropriate for film buffs and novices alike, covers actors from Abbot & Costello to George Zucco. Monush, associate editor of the annually published book of filmographies, Screen World, here profiles actors who graced the silver screen through 1965 (a second volume, picking up where this one ends, is in the works). Monush includes information on each actor's career in his or her homeland (since some of the subjects aren't American), shares a photo from the Screen World archives and notes each actor's stage, television and film credits. Though the book lacks of an index, the brief bios are thorough and organized alphabetically. Monush has a distinct writing style that, while not always objective, lets his personality and sources-mainly Screen World and Films on Review magazine-shine through.Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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From Booklist

The first of a projected two-volume set, this encyclopedia provides biographical profiles of actors who worked in Hollywood between 1915 and 1965 (presumably the second volume will cover 1965 to the present). Author Monush, an associate editor of the annual publication Screen World, includes all Oscar-winning actors as well as performers who became prominent in film before the late 1960s, which is when, he notes, the demise of the studio star system occurred.Entries are arranged in alphabetical order (Bud Abbott and Lou Costello to George Zucco), include vital statistics, and note any higher-education institution the actor attended. Narrative capsules of the actor's career are accompanied by black-and-white photographs obtained from Screen World archives. Monush has done extensive research to compile the biographies, and the entries convey his love of moviemaking. Did you know that Yul Brynner was a trapeze artist before he became "the King"? That the "Wicked Witch of the West," Margaret Hamilton, ran a nursery school before heading to Hollywood? That "Kojak" (Telly Savalas) was once a writer for the State Department? There are fun anecdotes included in every entry, and readers will learn new trivia each time they peruse the encyclopedia. The capsules are followed by chronological listings of the actor's screen and stage work as well as credits for select television appearances. Data were compiled from a number of sources, and the Encyclopedia includes a bibliography of reference works that readers can use for additional research. There is no index.Although there are other reference sources that include film actors, such as the International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers (Saint James, 2000) and The New Biographical Dictionary of Film (Knopf, 2002), this is an item that academic libraries and specialized film libraries will want to add. It would also no doubt find an audience in public libraries. RBBCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

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Product details

Series: Applause Books

Hardcover: 832 pages

Publisher: Applause (April 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1557835519

ISBN-13: 978-1557835512

Product Dimensions:

8.4 x 1.8 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.5 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

7 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,085,221 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Lots of interesting information based on vast research. Laudable. The bios were well written for the most part, but I was put off by the author's snarky comments having mostly to do with political points of view. He would be well advised to take Sgt Joe Friday's immortal advice: "Just the facts, m'am." An encyclopedia is no place for personal opinions.

When I ordered this book I thought it would give me some background on a few actors in Hollywood. Boy was mistaken, This book is full of the old time stars. I you order this book you will be glad you did when you start reading it.

At first, I was very pleased with this directory, and I gave it a glowing review with 4 stars. I had deducted a star because of the bad editing, i.e. lots of typos and factual errors. There seems to be not one page where there aren't lots of typos, and the factual errors reflect a biogrsapher who seems to be just faking it. For example, Nina Foch's entry states that she played the secretary to a "suicidal businessman" in Executive Suite. This is incorrect - the businessman died of a heart attack, the daughter, played by Barbara Stanwyck, was suicidal. And this popped up on the first browse through the book.Now, I must deduct still another star. I had compared this book favorably to the David Thomson "Biographical Dictionary," because Thomson's is neither biographical nor a dictionary, filled with the unauthoritative, opinions of a phony movie critic, and a mean spirited one at that. Well, alas, upon further reading, I found Monush's work to be equally mean spirited. For example, Mounsh gratuitously mentions a particular actor's homosexuality - something which had absolutely no bearing on his career or work. Of another actor's homosexuality which was was notorious and indeed affected his career, Monush makes no mention. Why Monush chooses to stigmatize one actor and then cover up for another I can only explain as personal favor.Equally mystifying is are the omissions. Why does Monush include obscure character actors but exclude well-known feature players? For example, why does he exclude Erik Rhodes, who gained immortality in the Astair-Rogers classics Top Hat and Gay Divorcee ("Your wife is safe with Tonetti, he prefers spaghetti.")Why does Monush exclude Bruce Bennett? Bennett wasn't just a player - he was a star - a minor star, but a star, one of those Olympic Athletes who, as Herman Brix, played Tarzan (some say superior to Weismuller), then changed his name and eventually became a headliner, co-starring with the likes of Crawford and Bogart. Couldn't Monush find a photo?This directory claims to be encyclopedic, but it definitely is not. It has bad editing, poor fact-checking and unexplained omissions. Still, it is the only directory I know of, extant, which contains photos with the entries, and it does attempt to flesh out the entries. It is superior to the pretentious Thomson and perhaps less dry of a read than the essential and comprehesive (fewer omissions) "Filmgoer's Encyclopedia" by Ephraim Katz. This is a useful reference, but let us hope a better one comes along. So far, if you can dispense with the photos, the Katz is the best.

A wonderfully detailed and informative book covering all the major (and some not so major) stars up to mid-60s. We keep this at hand and are constantly referring to it when watching films from this time period. Best book of the kind we've found.

Got this as a gift to my father who sits and scratches things down on all the different old time actors. He just loves it and he can't keep his nose out of it. Love it !

I collect autographs and sometimes I need to know the actor or actress. Other times I need help guessing and this is the book to information. One of the best in my library for Hollywood. Recommend

Barry Monush's "Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors" is the best volume of its type. Other guides to performers tend either to be mean spirited or incomplete. This book is witty, informative and comprehensive. Each entry has some unusual or fascinating fact. This book has more complete credits information than most reference works, but this one is also fun to read. All the stars who became famous before 1965, including many of today's great stars, are here. Actors who came to prominence 1965->present will be covered in Vol. 2. The rare "headshot" photos alone are worth the price of purchase. If you know anyone who enjoys movies, they'll love this amazing book!

The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush PDF
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The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush PDF

The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush PDF

The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush PDF
The Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965 (Applause Books) (Vol 1), by Barry Monush PDF

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Ebook Download Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

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Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

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Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

From the Inside Flap

Praise for the first editions:“Concise, lucid, and altogether interesting ….The notes on the individual texts are unfailingly illuminating.”―Books Abroad (now World Literature Today)

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From the Back Cover

"Praise for the first editions: "Concise, lucid, and altogether interesting . . . .The notes on the individual texts are unfailingly illuminating."--"Books Abroad (now "World Literature Today)

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Series: Ancient Egyptian Literature (Book 1)

Paperback: 300 pages

Publisher: University of California Press; First edition (April 3, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0520248422

ISBN-13: 978-0520248427

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

17 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#440,995 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I don't know about "plot". This is a collection of documents written for a variety of purposes not a story. What it did do was astonish me that the leaders of even the earliest of the Egyptian leaders displayed wisdom and intelligence to a degree I did not expect. Miriam Lichtheim did a marvelous job of presenting each piece before you read it so you know what you are looking at.

Perhaps I am being a bit pedantic in my mediocre review of _Ancient Egyptian Literature_, but the flaws in the translation and the relative narrowness of its scope compared to other anthologies warrant a solid 3 star review. Lichtheim's introduction is fantastic - its explanation of the role and importance of Egyptian writing strikes a perfect balance between clarity and academic exposition. However her translation of the Htp di Nsw ("Hotep di nesu" - a formulaic prayer common throughout Ancient Egypt) immediately caught my attention.The prayer ("An offering the king makes ...") should be translated with the preposition "for" or better, "to" ("An offering the king makes to [insert diety here: Ra, Set, Anubis ...]") - yet Lichtheim has is as "An offering which the king gives and Anubis ..." which really makes no sense at all given the context and purpose of the prayer not to mention it is simply incorrect. Admittedly I am being nit-picky here, but such a basic error brought into question the accuracy of the rest of the literature she translates. This minor issue aside, the selection of literature in the anthology is good: Lichtheim includes autobiographical stelea, excerpts from the Book of the Dead, songs and hymns and a handful of prose tales. Taken as a whole, they give a solild overview of Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom literature. Were this the only book on the subject, it would warrant a much higher rating from me. However, it is not. The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, Stelae, Autobiographies, and Poetry; Third Edition has many of the same inscriptions and narratives included here (and several that are not, although to be fair, Lichtheim's anthology here is only one of three volumes). To compare apples to apples, Simpson's anthology has more Old Kingdom narratives and instructions, and more Middle Kingdom religious literature._Ancient Egyptian Literature_ is fine - good, even. But if you are interested in more detail (with a better translation), I recommend Simpson's anthology.

I took an Egyptian History class at Indiana University. Every week we had a writing assignment due and I often used this book to cite information and provide points for my arguments and assumptions. This book is very helpful and it is fascinating for anyone who is curious about Egyptian History. The stories can be a bit convoluted at times and many require rereading to understand but overall, this is a great book for anyone interested in Egyptian History.

This is a wonderful, but somewhat too brief, survey of literature from the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom. Texts such as The Maxims of Ptahhotep and selected passages from several versions of the Pyramid Texts are included. In fact, many of the didactic writings of OK to MK are included, which makes this book invaluable for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian conceptions of morality and correct behavior.

A good book about Egypt

When I was learning to read Middle Egyptian, it was Lichtheim who kept me on track. She has a wonderful gift for translation. Her translations, while very close to literal, somehow manage to carry the atmosphere of the original without sounding as bizarre as a literal translation would.

This is a must have. If you're interested in ancient Egypt, then you should get their ancient texts in full form and not just a commentary made by authors in books. This is as close to ancient egyptians and their thought as we'll ever get.

The thoughts, hopes and fears of men and women from the time of the very beginning of the written word, speak to us in this book and tell us the beginning of the story of a great civilization that lasted for three thousand years.

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Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Ebook Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

Ebook Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

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Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

Ebook Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

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Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub

About the Author

Joan Holub is the author and/or illustrator of many books for children. She lives in North Carolina, where the famous groundhog Sir Walter Wally helps watch the weather at the Museum of Natural Sciences. You can visit Joan at

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Product details

Age Range: 5 - 9 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 4

Series: Smart About Art

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap (October 1, 2001)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780448425214

ISBN-13: 978-0448425214

ASIN: 0448425211

Product Dimensions:

9.1 x 0.1 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

34 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#107,290 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Very well written book for young readers. We learned a lot. Interesting format. Looks like a book report a kid wrote. Lots of facts and pictures of the artist and their paintings.

I would give this 10 stars if I could. You would be doing yourself and your children a favor by purchasing this! I learned more than what I thought I knew, and my 8 year old ate it up. I love that this book can connect with adults and children alike. A must buy for anyone wanting to expand their children's knowledge of an incredible painter!

I wanted something to spark my 6YO son's interest in art. This book sure did. He asked me to read it to him a 2nd time right on the spot. He also spotted a Van Gogh print that I brought home. This is a fine series. I also got the Degas which wasn't quite as interesting but he still liked it. I just ordered Picasso and a few others. Get the Van Gogh and if your child loves it, try some of the others. (I also liked that this mentioned Van Gogh was very depressed once at loving a woman who didn't love him back.)

Great book on Van Gogh as teach tool.

Great starter for children. 12 Yo started to make similar painting immediately

Wasn't ready to explain the shooting of oneself to my six year old, but I was reading this book aloud and didnt catch myself in time when it got to the part about Van Gogh SHOOTING HIMSELF. It may be true and all, but I wish they could have said it in a different way in this very short book. I actually ended up explaining mental illness and suicide because of this book. I guess it was bound to come up at some point, but be warned it is in this book for kids. Otherwise, cute book, very thin, small pics, but clever enough.

Nice story for various ages. The kids really liked the story and the pictures were well done.

I used this book to introduce art to my 1st grader. The content is colorful, simple to understand, and inspiring. I encouraged my 1st grader to re draw some of the pictures. She had a blast and of course they were better than the originals :-)

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Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub EPub
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Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub Kindle

Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub PDF

Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub PDF

Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub PDF
Vincent Van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars (Smart About Art), by Joan Holub PDF

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Download Ebook Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

Download Ebook Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

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Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

Download Ebook Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

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Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs

Product details


Publisher: Parents' Magazine Press; First Edition edition (1976)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0819308331

ISBN-13: 978-0819308337

Package Dimensions:

10.4 x 7.9 x 0.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,154,960 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This a wonderful book with great illustrations!

Fantastic picture book with detailed illustrations. Why is this out of print?!

Just as described. Thank you!

Great Book. Great Condition.


This book was a discarded library copy, but well preserved, and my grandson has enjoyed it. I really like its patriotic nature.

Although the text appears geared for early primary, the detail of the pictures suggests middle elementary students may enjoy singing the song along with the pictures. The book will give some understanding of colonial times and revolution.

This one and "Rip Van Winkel" with illustrations by John Howe both belong with the revolutionary war unit. Their illustrations of the clothing and settings of the 1770's in America are superb.This book gives you illustrations for the song "Yankee Doodle" that track one little boy. Good illustrations of period clothing and lots of surprises on every page. Includes the music for "Yankee Doodle" and a history of the song at the back. Also includes a glossary of the words in the song, and gives some context.Well done book.

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Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs EPub
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Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs PDF

Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs PDF
Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle, by Edward Bangs PDF

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011



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Product details

File Size: 18641 KB

Print Length: 151 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 012801606X

Publisher: Elsevier; 1 edition (February 2, 2015)

Publication Date: February 2, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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#1,493,396 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I felt that Stephenson did a fantastic job and presented a great deal of peer reveiwed studies, reports and information. He DOES mention dangers of fracking but doesn't blow the alarmists whistle and presents factual information. He presents the idea that sensible legislation and safe practices will actually lead to a smaller carbon footprint in harvesting a currently necessary natural resource. He touches on the idea that laws need to continue to encourage renewable resources, but recognizes that fracking will be a cleaner way to get us there on the ways if you like unbiased information this is a fantastic book.

The author fails, perhaps deliberately, to cite critical recent peer-reviewed studies that show risks of fracking shale formations. Fugitive methane emissions based on ambient measurements show much higher rates than either EPA or Univ. of Texas method of bottoms up accounting. Shale exploration companies have stacked up enormous debt prior to this year's price decline. Toxic gas release has resulted in increased birth defects as explained by peer-reviewed research by McKenzie from the Colorado School of Public Health. For a thorough critique of Stephenson's shortsighted and naive conclusions see this analysis by Brian Davey, from Resilience, at: ttp://
